make a complaint

We take your complaints seriously. If you make a Complaint, Concept has a dedicated Complaints Manager, who will ensure your complaint is thoroughly investigated.
Any complaints we receive, will be sent directly to our Resident and Community Engagement Manager who will respond within 5 working days.

Our Complaints Policy was reviewed by the Board in June 2023; you can download and view the Complaints Policy here. The Board also reviewed the self-assessment against the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code you can download and view the self-assessment here.

We aim to learn from our complaints, so every year we produce an Annual Compliants Report for our Board. This was approved in September and can be found here.

In the last 12 months, as a result of complaints received, Concept has learnt lessons and acted on complaints. Some examples of our actions as follows:

  • Cancelled a contract with one of our contractors, for non-completion of repairs
  • Cancelled a contract with one of our contractors, for failing our internal support audit procedure and not delivering support to our required level.

make your complaint

Please fill in the following areas making sure you accurately provide your details. Give as much detail as possible about the complaint: